2008 Vintage
The Climate
A rainy and cool spring impeded vine growth and meant a late start for blossoms. In addition, a relatively cold and slightly moist August slowed the ripening of grapes. With the harvest period beginning about ten days after the date selected the previous year, 2008 was therefore a rather late vintage.
In such a case, the behavior of the vine depends on the quality of the soil but also to a great extent on the winegrower’s expertise and the hours of labor expended by personnel in the vineyard, before the harvest. Those two conditions for success were present at our Estates, 2008 proved a very good year for the quality of our red wines.
Some Technical Information
Harvest Dates: From September 24th to October 16th
Blend: Merlot Noir: 45%, Cabernet Sauvignon: 41%, Cabernet Franc: 14%
New barrels: 34%
Alcohol: 14%
Bottling date: From June 7th to 15th 2010
Tasting note
Color purplish red and quite dense. The nose is mature with traces of berries, both red and black. On the palate the approach is of amazing freshness. The structure though powerful does not overwhelm the evident aromas. Surely, this second wine will surprise by its greatness!
Le Clarence de Haut-Brion: The super 2008 (45% Merlot, 41% Cabernet Sauvignon and 14% Cabernet Franc) exhibits soft, ripe tannins as well as copious black cherry and loamy soil notes intermixed with notions of smoke and roasted herbs. It is a beautifully pure, deep, already delicious and complex wine that should drink nicely for 10-12 years.
Name | Le Clarence de Haut Brion |
ブドウ品種 | メルロー/カベルネ ソーヴィニヨン/カベルネ フラン/プティ ヴェルド |
生産者名 | シャトー オー ブリオン |
産地 | フランス/ボルドー/ペサック レオニャン |
Region | France/Bordeaux/Pessac Leognan |
内容量 | 750ml |
WA | 91/Issue May 02, 2011 |
WS | −/Issue − |
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